
Especially rainy, with much of the annual 120 cm falling during this time.
The temperature ranges from 30-35 C and the mountains are verdant.
The tree leaves brown and it rains.
The mountains are covered with with an average of 50-60 cm of snow.

Zakatala is located in north-west Azerbaijan on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. It is at an altitude of 600 meters. It is located 450 km 280 mi from the capital Baku. The population of Zakatala city is 25,000 people. Zakatala is a multinational region with 26 different ethnic groups including: Avar, Zakur, Lesgi, Kumuck, Yengloid, Ingloid, Russian, Georgians, etc. Zakatala city is divided into two parts by the Tala River, Zaka and Tala.


Zakatala was established in the 17th century by its namesake Zakeria. Before that, there was only a government by the name of the Jar-Balakan Community, which was established by the Avar. This community fell to the influence of the Mongolians, Persians, and finally after the establishment of the city of Zakatala, the Russians. In the 18th century, the Russian Army, under the leadership of General Sisianov, attacked Zakatala. The locals from the Jar-Balakan Community resisted General Sisianov's army heroically. Finally, General Sisianov fortified the city of Zakatala against the Jar-Balakan Community.At this time, Dagestan’s ruler, Sheik Shamil sent a cohort of soldiers with the purpose of liberating the people of Zakatala, but despite their efforts the Jar-Balakan Community was defeated on the banks of the Alazan Rive. Thus, Zakatala fell to the influence of the Russian Empire. After the October Revolution and the declaration of the First Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918, Zakatala was made the regional center for the northwest region until 1920. During the Soviet period, Zakatala industrialized with tobacco, wool, brick, hazelnut, wine, and dairy factories. Communal farms were established in Zakatala as well and the railroad was laid to Zakatala. Upon independence in 1991, many mosques, 2 educational institute, and several schools were opened in Zakatala.